Start Saving Your Sanity When Costing Recipes Even With No Storefront

A computer on a desk on the screen is an ebook

Are you working on pricing in your business but getting frustrated because the amount of time it takes to look at costs per ounce for your retailers is just taking too much of your time? I mean let’s be real your time is better sent getting out there and selling or creating recipes or just baking. Not sitting here staring at a computer trying to figure out the cost per ounce of your ingredients for your recipes and costing recipes.

You are right. That is frustrating. It does take too much time to look up each ingredient for your recipe with all of your vendors and then figure out the cost per an ounce for your ingredient to then turn around and figure out the amount you need for the recipe and the cost of that ingredient for the recipe.

…Is your head spinning yet because I know mine is? I feel like we are living in that Friends episode… ya know the one…

Now they know that we know that they know that we know. 🙃

What if I told you that I have a simple free solution to resolve that spinning head syndrome? What if I told you that I had a simple done for you solution to your problems of gathering up all the cost per ounce for the most commonly used ingredients for your baking?

computer and coffee cup with a pink overlay that says save your sanity when costing recipes

Well, your wish is our command. We actually have taken the time to gather up the cost and cost per ounce of the most common items we use in our recipes.

And then we took that information and built a spreadsheet that we want to share with you for free to help you when you are costing recipes.

I mean why should we all be wasting time staring at the computer instead of doing the tasks we enjoy like creating that beautiful wedding cake or preparing those fresh muffins for that big corporate order that you are excited you landed.

That is why we want to help. We want to give you the spreadsheet that we built and use every day in our business. We use the spreadsheet in our business in conjunction with our Price It Like A Pro Pricing Tool [LINK] to quickly and confidently price our products. Now we are not staring at the computer getting frustrated because we entered the amount on the wrong ingredient for the 3rd time.

Instead, we are doing the more important things to grow our business even without a storefront like prepping our sample packages to drop off at the new coffee shop down the street.

If you are ready to stop wasting time and save your sanity when you are costing recipes, then click on the button below to grab your copy of our sanity saver.

laptop on a desk with a red cup with a recipe sanity saver on the screen.

Did you click the button to get your copy of the free sanity saver?


By not grabbing the sanity saver to help you save time in your business, you are literally wasting money.


Let me ask you this. How much time are you spending searching, finding, and costing your ingredient? 45-60 minutes a recipe?

I know probably way more than that but let’s look at the brighter side.

How much do you make an hour?

Why? Why even waste that money? Why waste the time? Especially when there is a simple solution for free.

Instead, just save yourself time and your business money by just grabbing our free sanity saver that contains the cost per ounce of the most common ingredients that we use in our bakery.

pink button with brown words that say save my sanity
desk with a picture of part of a laptop and a coffee mug

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