Using Tailwind To Navigate Pinterest Changes For Your Bakery

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We have never been shy about how much we love Pinterest. Seriously, it is our favorite social media to use in both our personal and professional lives. As a business, Pinterest is an intricate part of our bakery business marketing plan even without a bakery. We actively share helpful articles with our fellow bakers and some of our favorite recipes. We rely heavily on Pinterest to help share our message with others around the world.

As business owners, even without a storefront, our time is limited. We are creating and testing recipes. Scheduling events, baking, and sampling products. Plus, we are out here sharing our experiences and knowledge with others in the baking community. This doesn’t leave much time for us to spend time continuously pinning to Pinterest.

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That is why we happily pay for Tailwind. At only $15 a month per a social media account or only $119 annual per a social account, we have seen a large return on our investment when it comes to Tailwind for Pinterest. You can get a free trial here.

How has Tailwind helped our business?

It is a TIME SAVER. Have you ever tried to manually pin and schedule on the Pinterest platform? Yeah, not so simple. Each pin takes time to create. Then you have to choose the board and description but don’t forget to save this information or you will be racking your brain in the future for new descriptions.

Now schedule that pin and repeat those steps for each new board. THIS takes time. UGH!! No wonder people think Pinterest has a low ROI. After that much work, I would not think Pinterest drives enough traffic either.

But bloggers and other professionals go on and on about the glory of Pinterest on their business. There has to be some trick, right? I mean there is no one in their right mind who is doing that much work on Pinterest and trying to manage other social media accounts.

I will let you in on a little secret… they use Tailwind to schedule all their pins.

So how does Tailwind save us time?

Instead of uploading the pin to Pinterest over and over to schedule to different boards, you can just upload the pin into Tailwind. Write the descriptions and tag the URL. Then select the different boards you want to pin to and set your pinning interval. Bam! Done and done.

With Tailwind instead of uploading the same image four times to pin to different boards through the Pinterest scheduler, just do it once and be done.

Tailwind helps us navigate Pinterest changes.

Have you experienced an algorithm change on other social media platforms like Facebook? So have we. We saw changes roll out on Facebook with no notice and no guidance.

Luckily, Tailwind is an approved partner with Pinterest which means Pinterest lets them know about changes and best practices for the platform. Since Tailwind has this information, we use Tailwind to navigate Pinterest changes by openly sharing all changes with us and working to guide us through the changes with Pinterest.

So Pinterest just changed its algorithm and good practice guidelines. Pinterest wants new fresh content over continuously repining your old content.

What does this mean exactly?

I am glad you asked.

The new guidelines want fresh content. It has been shown that the user responds well to fresh content and the algorithm has started showing fresh content over older content.

Tailwind has been great about providing support and information to us about what Pinterest is expecting from content creators and that is fresh content. Not only did Tailwind give us this information, but they have provided best practice measures, guidelines, seminars, and more to help content creators navigate the changes with Pinterest. It has been so helpful. This is why we rely on Tailwind to navigate Pinterest changes.

Sure beats what some of the other guys do.Since Tailwind is meant to be a way for you to schedule your Pinterest and continuously post to Pinterest, how does it work with the new changes? I am glad you asked. I have seen many bloggers asking these same questions, and to this I say…

Have you ever spent the time using the Pinterest scheduler to schedule your pins? I think I was pretty clear earlier about how time-consuming it was, but if you need a reminder here you go.

First, you upload the picture, add a description (Please don’t forget to save the description otherwise you will regret this.), and then schedule pin. Now repeat that for every relevant board. Um… no, thank you. My time is worth more than that.

I still use Tailwind to schedule my old posts, plus I use it to help me schedule and add new content weekly to my Pinterest page.

How do we use Tailwind for Pinterest with the new changes?

Simple. I batch design a bunch of new pins. I upload them directly into Tailwind vs uploading them to Pinterest. Then I add my description and URL. I select my boards and schedule my intervals.

Tailwind has a built-in tool to help me ensure that I am following all the new guidelines and good practices for Pinterest called SmartGuide. This guide checks my pinning habits and helps keep me in line with the guidelines for Pinterest.

Seriously, Pinterest helps us grow our business even without a storefront by driving traffic to our website month after month. It is a very big part of our marketing plan which is why I needed to make sure that I stayed consistent with posting on Pinterest, and I needed to make sure that our business grew on Pinterest. That is why I am so thankful to have Tailwind.

I tried to manage Pinterest without a scheduler and it was impossible. I could not keep my pins straight. I lost my images in all my files. I was just a mess. Then I tried Pinterest scheduler, but I could not make heads or tails of all the pins I was trying to schedule and make sure I did post to the same board.

Then I had a friend send me a free trial of Tailwind. She was like “girl you are going to make yourself crazy trying to manage Pinterest that way,” and she gave me a free trial of Tailwind. Now, as someone who has been in your shoes, I want to give you the opportunity to try Tailwind for yourself. You can get a free trial here. This is not like other free trials. It doesn’t expire in 30 days.

Instead, it is based on 100 pins. You can use these 100 pins however you want. When I did my trial, I wanted to see how well it worked so did a comparison on my time between using Pinterest scheduler and Tailwind. Let’s just say I now have an annual subscription. So don’t forget to grab your free trial here.

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